Established in 1989, Nascol Financial Services with Sage Pastel have been a trusted name in the Vaal Triangle.
Several business is still benefitting from our dedicated open trustworthy service and solutions, we can say with pride and they are still going strong.
We specialize in solving any financial problem which your business may have .
We have several staff members whom are skilled and trained top assist your business with any SAGE Pastel accounting requirements , payments and invoicing to give you peace of mind.
Skilled and trained staff will assist with SAGE Pastel Payroll, to streamline your weekly, fortnightly and monthly payments requirements with ease.
Your business and personal information is 100% secure and confidentiality is key.
We have 20+ years experience is Sage Pastel and SARS, thus we will always have the most recent information available.
The statements is prepared by registered Charted of Accountant and thus you and your business will be protected by legal requirements.
Nascol strives to help you grow your business and your business success is the key stive of our business.
PAYE & UIF submissions
EMP501 recons
Personal income tax
Provisional tax
Business income tax
Vat calculations and submissions
SAGE Patel Accounting and Payroll services to manage any business requirements which you may have.
Professional and reliable service for any financial and management statements
016 932 2253
060 832 6439
Monday - Thursday 7:30 - 16:00
Friday's 7:30 - 12h00
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